Cruises are a wonderful way to see the world while enjoying luxurious amenities. However, it's essential to be aware of certain areas on a cruise ship that can pose risks. Being informed ensures that your vacation remains relaxing and fun. Watery areas, including the...
Maximum Compensation for Injured People
No Fee Unless We Win Your Case
Personal Injury
The 5 best and worst nursing homes in Chicago
Selecting a nursing home for your loved ones in Chicago is a decision that can impact their quality of life and safety. Some facilities offer excellent care, but others may abuse their residents. U.S. Department of Justice research indicates that 10% of U.S. adults 60...
Age is not all that increases fall risks for the elderly
Falls are problematic for the elderly in any situation, contributing to a high amount of injuries and even fatalities every year. This is true both within nursing homes and in other settings. Experts note that the risk naturally rises with issues that stem from normal...
VIDEO: What Is the Difference in Compensatory and Punitive Damages?
Have you been injured in an accident? You may be entitled to damages from the at-fault party. Call the experienced personal injury attorneys at the Law Offices of and Associates at today for your free...
Child Scalding Safety for Burn Awareness Week
The American Burn Association designates the first week of February as Burn Awareness Week to raise awareness of the possible burn injury dangers in our everyday lives and to provide information on the prevention and treatment of burn injuries. At the Law Offices of...
VIDEO: How Much Does It Cost to Hire an Attorney?
Watch Mark Karno from the Law Offices of and Associates explain how you can hire a lawyer without paying upfront in contingency fee cases. If you or your loved one has been seriously injured through the fault of someone else, call the...
Checklist for Choosing Your Personal Injury Attorney
Choosing a personal injury attorney to represent you in your legal case is the most important decision you will make. Many clients realize this and have a lot of anxiety about selecting the right attorney to see their case through. You shouldn't worry however. This...
Plaintiffs have a duty to mitigate
Failing to seek medical treatment when you are injured can be a costly mistake. Under Illinois law, plaintiffs in personal injury lawsuits have a duty to mitigate. The duty to mitigate means that if you are injured due to someone else's negligence, you have a duty to...
Losing the right to compensation due to statutes of limitations
A Cook County resident who is injured in a head-on collision caused by a distracted driver does not want to be told by an attorney that he or she has lost the right to sue for damages. Unfortunately, too many people wait before seeking legal advice following an auto...
Study reveals interesting distracted driving habits in teens
When a driver is engaged in something other than focusing on the road, this is known as distracted driving. While some common examples of distracted driving involve texting, eating or talking on a cell phone while behind the wheel, this can include many behaviors one...