Nursing home abuse is atrocious behavior that senior citizens shouldn’t ever have to deal with. Unfortunately, there are some individuals who choose to try to capitalize on these frail individuals. We don’t want to see any nursing home resident suffering from any sort of abuse. We are here to help you take action to stop the abuse from occurring.
One thing that is very troubling about nursing home abuse is that the victims willingly accepted care from the abuser. In fact, they are paying to be abused. These residents have usually worked with family members to choose a facility where they could feel safe. To have that trust violated is a horrible experience. We don’t ever condone anyone mistreating others.
There are many reasons why residents might suffer abuse. One of these is that the caretakers are only in this line of work to try to make money. They might not want to be bothered by having to actually care for the residents so they act in a violent manner when they do have to work.
Another reason is that some individuals can’t deal with the stress of the job. Having to try to help people who suffer from dementia and those who aren’t able to perform any self care is the bane of some employee’s existence. In other cases, staffing shortages lead the employees to behave in this manner.
Just to make it clear, even in these cases, nursing home abuse isn’t permissible. Every employee should be able to control their actions and behave like a responsible adult. Taking legal action when there is nursing home abuse going on is one of the ways to put an end to it. If you suffered injuries in the abuse, you might be able to recover monetary compensation for that harm. We can help you to prepare your case and get it moving forward.