When a tenant is injured on a landlord’s property in Illinois, the question of liability can sometimes be difficult to answer. Whether or not a landlord can be held liable for the incident, and what form of damages a tenant can potentially recover, will depend upon the individual circumstances of the case.
There are several factors that must be considered before a landlord can be assessed with liability for a tenant’s accident. It must be shown that the landlord’s lack of action was the direct cause of whatever dangerous condition that arose, and that remedying this lack of action would not have represented an undue burden for the landlord. In addition, the lack of action must implicate something that the landlord would reasonably be seen to have a duty to remedy, such as serious structural damage on the property.
A tenant who is injured as a result of landlord negligence may sue for a variety of related damages that can result. For example, some tenants can be injured so significantly that they are no longer able to continue working and must endure a large amount of pain and suffering as a consequence. In these cases, medical bills and other forms of financial hardship caused by lost income can be very difficult for a victim to manage without being appropriately compensated.
Such being the case, it is indeed possible for a landlord to be found negligent in a tenant’s injury and therefore made to provide them with restitution. Those who have been injured in an incident they believe was caused by a landlord’s negligence may wish to consult their situation with an attorney. Having legal representation can sometimes expedite the claims process and facilitate the receipt of compensation.
Source: Findlaw, “If a tenant or visitor is injured on property owned by a landlord, is the landlord liable for the injuries? “, December 31, 2014