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5 Ways to Improve Trucking Safety

On Behalf of | Sep 17, 2015 | Trucking Accidents

Each year thousands of people are seriously injured or killed in trucking accidents. Many of these accidents could be avoided with better safety practices in the trucking industry. Trucking safety could be improved by:

  1. Increased background checks to decrease the risk of unsafe drivers behind the wheel of semi-trucks.
  2. Mandatory training standards before a driver can get a commercial driving license.
  3. Increased continued education requirements to ensure truckers are getting ongoing safety training.
  4. Increase number and geographic locations of weigh and inspection stations to ensure more trucks get regularly inspected.
  5. Use electronic logs to track and minimize violations of continuous service hours.

Making changes in the safety standards and practices of the trucking industry can save lives by making the roadways a less dangerous place for every driver and passenger out there. Until the trucking industry and its regulators put safety above profit, we will be forced to deal with unfortunate accidents.

Have you or your loved one been severely injured in a trucking accident? Call the Law Offices of Mark L. Karno & Associates at 305-414-2757 for your free consultation with an experienced trucking accident lawyer.

We welcome clients from Aurora, Chicago, and the surrounding communities. Our attorneys work on a contingency fee basis – we don’t get paid until you do.