When you pay someone to do a job, you expect that they will do the job properly. Unfortunately, that isn’t something that always happens. A recent lawsuit filed in Cook County Circuit Court shows that not all workmen do their jobs in a way that produces a safe and satisfactory result.
A couple is suing a man, both as an individual and as an employee of a concrete company, for allegedly improperly installing a decorative finish on concrete surrounding a deck around a swimming pool.
The woman alleges that she slipped on the concrete and suffered injuries on May 24, 2012. She says that the contractor didn’t warn them that the finish he used would become very slippery if it got wet. That was a very important fact, considering that the decorative concrete was around a deck surrounding a swimming pool.
The lawsuit seeks damages over $50,000 in connection with the incident. The couple made accusations of loss of companionship and negligence.
It is important for anyone who is doing work at a residence to make sure that they do the work properly. Serious injuries can occur, especially in cases like this one where walking surfaces aren’t properly finished. Slippery entrances and walkways are an almost sure way to guarantee that someone will get hurt.
Anyone who has slipped on a walking surface and suffered an injury has the right to seek compensation from the responsible party, just as this couple did. Understanding how to make claims and knowing what to expect might help to take the stress out of the process.
Source: The Cook County Record, “Couple sues over slip and fall in newly-poured concrete” Ben Hart, Jun. 18, 2014