Most commonly, when a person is bitten by a dog, they know the owner. This means that even if they suffered a significant amount of pain and had to pay medical bills as a result of the incident, they may still be reluctant to take legal action.
However, dog bite victims must remember that if action is not taken, there may be a higher chance of the dog attacking again in the future. If the owner is not held legally liable for their actions, they may not take the incident seriously enough and may not do enough to avoid such incidents in the future.
When should I take legal action?
Generally speaking, if you have suffered injuries from a dog bite that led you to seek medical attention, or if you suffered pain, suffering and trauma as a result of the attack, it is a good idea to consider taking legal action. If you make a liability claim against a dog owner, you may be able to gain compensation for the out-of-pocket expenses you needed to pay, and for the pain and suffering that you went through.
In addition, you may be able to take legal action against other responsible parties, such as landlords or property owners. This is because they have a responsibility to keep their property safe from hazards such as dangerous animals.
If you or your child has been injured by a dog in the state of Illinois, it is important that you consider taking legal action so that you can receive the compensation you deserve.