An 80-year-old Illinois woman is asking for over $50,000 and court costs following a fall at a dialysis center. According to the woman, she was asked to step on a scale at the center on June 23 for the purpose of being weighed. The woman says the scale tipped over, and she fell to the floor with it.
According to the woman, the owner of the dialysis center is negligent due to a failure to maintain safe equipment. She also alleges that the staff was not properly trained in safety procedures; had the scale been correctly maintained and the staff member properly monitored, the accident would not happened. The complaint was filed four months after the accident on Oct. 30.
An individual who is injured at a medical facility may be able to file a lawsuit against the owner. For the lawsuit to be successful, the individual must prove that the facility or representing staff were negligent in some way. If a failure to observe a proper duty of care and maintain a safe environment leads to injury, the individual or entity responsible for that facility may be deemed at fault.
Those in similar situations may determine it beneficial to speak with a premises liability attorney to discuss the circumstances surrounding their injury. If it is discovered that the harm was unavoidable and the result of poor management, an attorney may be able to assist their client in developing a civil suit and signing the appropriate parties as plaintiffs. If successful, compensation may be awarded.
Source: The Cook County Record, “Elderly woman’s fall off scale lands Loyola University Health System in court”, November 19, 2014