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Blog Posts
- $1 million settlement reached in Lombard day care death
- 1 killed, 2 hurt in 2-vehicle crash.
- 15-year-old girl killed in tragic hit-and-run crash
- 3 tips for monitoring your loved one's care in a nursing home
- 3 types of distracted driving
- 35-car pileup puts seven people in the hospital
- 4 behaviors of aggressive drivers
- 4 hospitalized after car accident
- 4 things you should know about nursing home abuse and neglect
- 5 examples of potential wrongful death cases
- 5 red flags that mean a nursing home is providing sub-par care
- 5 to Drive: Keep Teens Alive
- 5 Ways to Improve Trucking Safety
- 7 ways that stairs can be a serious hazard
- 7 ways you can prevent nursing home abuse and neglect
- 8 signs of nursing home abuse and neglect to be aware of
- A landlord's duty to change the lock
- A landlord's responsibility for the criminal acts of others
- A small amount of speed makes a huge difference
- Accidents at events can result in financial claims
- Age is not all that increases fall risks for the elderly
- Animal owners may have to pay big if their animal bites someone
- Are bedsores evidence of nursing home neglect?
- Are car vs. train accidents becoming less common?
- Are dogs biting people a common problem?
- Are nursing homes sending too many patients to the hospital?
- Are outdoor recreational facility owners liable for guest injury?
- Assisted living quick-response devices useless without response
- Attorney Mark L. Karno Approved To Practice Law In Florida
- Avoid crashes in amusement park traffic with these tips
- Avoid crashes in the city with these 5 tips
- Avoiding Motorcycle Accidents: A Car Turns Left in Front of You
- Avoiding Motorcycle Accidents: Hitting Gravel in a Blind Corner
- Avoiding Motorcycle Accidents: Slippery Roads
- Back pain after a car accident can be ongoing
- Be aware of signs of nursing home abuse
- Be aware so you can notice signs of nursing home abuse
- Be careful on roads this fall
- Be on the lookout for pedestrians this spring season
- Bears legend died after wandering unsupervised at care facility
- Bed rails for elderly, their risks long known, face relative lack of scrutiny
- Bedsores are a sign of neglect in nursing homes
- Bedsores are a sign that your loved one is being neglected
- Bedsores: A sign that your loved one is in trouble
- Beware of severe or repeated falls in nursing homes
- Brain injury issues can take time to develop
- Burns suffered in accidents need to be ttreated
- Can you spot the telltale signs of nursing home abuse?
- Car accident kills mother and children
- Causes of Rollover Accidents
- Cellulitis could be a sign of nursing home neglect
- Challenging a will: Factors to consider
- Check out these 3 concerns before choosing a nursing home
- Checklist for Choosing Your Personal Injury Attorney
- Chemical restraints are a risk to the elderly
- Chicago 17-year-old's life ended in collision with Metra train
- Chicago boy, 3, badly hurt in hit-and-run accident
- Chicago nursing home resident found dead by former Cubs player
- Chicago teacher sues companies for injuries caused by elevator
- Child Scalding Safety for Burn Awareness Week
- Chronic pain: A lasting consequence of many collisions
- Closer Scrutiny of Nursing Home Medication Errors Called For
- Collision leads to gunfire in Chicago
- Common causes of car accidents and how to avoid them
- Common causes of commercial truck accidents in Illinois
- Common hazards that surface at residential rental properties
- Common terms in civil actions
- Community mourns loss of family in car accident
- Compensation for catastrophic injuries considers many factors
- Concerns about the care a loved one receives in a nursing home
- Cook County Circuit Court gets slip-and-fall complaint
- Cook County couple sues after slip and fall accident
- Cook County man paralyzed by falling branch, settlement possible
- Cook County man trips over pipe, sues
- Cook County McDonald's sued for injury to child in play area
- Cook County nursing home sued after resident falls from lift
- Cook County train accident caused by several factors
- Cook County woman falls down stairs, sues property manager
- Coping with accident-related PTSD
- Cornell study shows 1 in 5 nursing home residents abused
- Could self-driving trucks save lives on the road?
- Could you have a premises liability suit?
- Court clarifies liability for slip-and-fall accidents
- Cruise ship hazards that do more than rock the boat
- Cubs fan sues team and league for injuries
- Damages: Nursing home cases and financial awards
- Deadly Mistakes: The 3 Types Of Distracted Driving
- Debunking Motorcycle Myths for Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month
- Defining neglect in a nursing home setting
- Dehydration is a sign of nursing home neglect
- Dehydration: Know the signs to protect your loved one
- Dementia is no excuse for using chemical restraints
- Detecting nursing home abuse
- Did negligent security lead to your injuries?
- Did You Know That Hands-Free Driving Is Not Risk-Free?
- Distracted drivers need to get focused
- Distracted driving statistics you and your family should know
- Distractions are always evolving and always dangerous
- Distractions take lives: Avoid them at all costs
- Do bedsores indicate nursing home abuse?
- Do I have a claim after a nightclub injury?
- Do teen drivers really learn their lesson after a crash?
- Do you have to shovel your sidewalk?
- Do you know the key signs of nursing home neglect or abuse?
- Do you know the signs of bedsores?
- Do you know why indoor slip-and-fall accidents happen?
- Do your research before choosing a nursing home
- Dog bites and legal action: Where to draw the line
- Driver fatigue is a common factor in commercial vehicle crashes
- Drivers: Don't let distractions cause a crash
- Drowsiness: It's just as dangerous as drinking and driving
- Drunk driver faces wrongful death lawsuit
- Electronic Trucking Log Could Reduce Accidents
- Elevator safety is important
- Facts regarding elder abuse in Illinois
- Falling accidents can be fatal: You deserve justice
- Falling beam injures man, lawsuit filed in Cook County
- Falls in nursing homes: A risk to residents
- Falls: When are they negligence or abuse?
- Families can fight back when loved ones are abused
- Family of accident victim files wrongful death suit
- Fatal crash takes the life of 84-year-old woman
- Fatal Illinois car collision takes senior life
- Feds ask phone makers to stop functions while users drive
- Fewer nursing home visits may equal more abuse
- Five Most Dangerous Nursing Homes in Chicagoland
- Four reasons to contest a will
- Get help with your claim after an injury
- Get your head checked out after you're in a crash
- Good lighting can prevent falls and injuries to guests
- Grocery store injuries deserve quality legal representation
- Growing population, growing concern: Elder negligence and abuse
- Halloween safety tips for drivers
- Hit by a drunk driver? They should be held accountable
- Hit-and-run tragedy in south Chicago suburb
- Home Safety Tips for Fall Prevention
- Hospital 'patient-dumping' endangers vulnerable lives
- How Are Truck Accident Cases Different Than Car Accident Cases?
- How big of a problem is nursing home abuse?
- How can an abuse accusation be documented?
- How can bedsores be prevented?
- How can landlords protect children's safety?
- How dangerous are pressure ulcers?
- How do unsanitary nursing homes harm residents?
- How does nursing home neglect happen?
- How dog owners may claim they're not liable for a bite
- How likely is medical negligence in Illinois hospitals?
- How nursing home neglect occurs in Illinois
- How often do those with dementia wander?
- How seniors can stay healthier on a cruise
- How serious is road rash?
- How the government hopes to curb exhausted commercial driving
- How the legal term res ipsa applies to personal injury cases
- How to check for possible nursing home abuse
- How to choose the right nursing home for your parent
- How to detect a drunk driver on the road
- How to drive safely on ice and snow in Illinois
- How to Identify Elder Neglect
- How to stop trailer accidents
- How to teach your teen to drive more safely in the winter
- How vehicle maintenance can impact an Illinois accident claim
- How your ombudsman prevents nursing home abuse
- Ice accumulation leads to dangerous property, woman falls
- Icy parking lot results in personal injury suit
- Icy stairway leads to injury, premises liability lawsuit filed
- If a nursing home isn't sanitary, illnesses could spread easily
- If you fall, do you know if you have a premises liability claim?
- Illinois lawmakers want to focus cameras on nursing home abuse
- Illinois man seeks judgment for poor nursing home care
- Illinois market sued by woman who fell on premises
- Illinois motor vehicle accidents can also injure bicyclists
- Illinois motorists urged to drive cautiously around tractor trailers
- Illinois nursing homes - annual inspections by Illinois Department of Public Health
- Illinois nursing homes earn F rating in national survey
- Illinois offers numerous resources to prevent nursing home abuse
- Illinois property owners have duty to properly clear ice
- Illinois slip and fall accident claims means proving fault
- Illinois suspends license of psychiatrist who prescribed drugs to elderly
- Illinois woman sues ATT after tripping in parking lot
- Illinois-based Sigma Alpha Epsilon joins pledge to stop pledging
- Important nursing home abuse questions to address
- Important questions to ask if you suspect nursing home abuse
- Improper or negligent security could lead to an attack
- Inadequate Staffing Leads to Nursing Home Abuse
- Inadequate staffing may lead to nursing home problems
- Infographic - Summer Travel Safety Tips
- Infographic: Tips for Choosing Your Accident Attorney
- Injuries as a guest in an Illinois home
- Is a car responsible for my motorcycle accident?
- Is a resident's mental state a precursor to nursing home abuse?
- Is a store liable if you fall on a rainy day?
- Is it legal for nursing homes to use restraints?
- Is it possible for bullying to take place in nursing homes?
- Is malnutrition a symptom of nursing home neglect?
- Is my landlord liable for my fall?
- Is technology in cars really making them safer?
- Is the nursing home responsible for your loved one's infection?
- Is your elderly parent affected by nursing home bullying?
- Is your loved one a victim of psychological abuse?
- Jury awards over $1 billion in nursing home negligence case
- Know the dangers of wandering in nursing homes
- Know what to do if you're hit while in Chicago
- Knowing the causes of truck accidents can keep you safe
- Knowing the difference between neglect and abuse
- Landlord liability for criminal activity
- Landlord negligence leads to child being injured by window
- Landlord negligence: how we can help
- Lawmakers beginning to scrutinize maternal deaths, complications
- Lawsuit claims man died after landlord fails to clean up flood
- Lawsuit filed claiming man hurt by security guards
- Lawsuit in Illinois over allegedly burning hot chili con queso
- Learning more about taking evidence after a car accident
- Learning more about the impact of texting and driving
- Let your attorney help you make good decisions after an injury
- Losing the right to compensation due to statutes of limitations
- Maintaining a safe environment for shoppers
- Making a claim as an injured cyclist
- Man facing DUI allegations after deadly crash
- Man hit by fence and gate files lawsuit in Cook County
- Man killed in violent DUI accident
- Man sues 2 companies for ice machine door accident
- Man sues Chicago apartment for bedbug problem
- Medical Malpractice: Surgical Errors
- Medicare should force nursing homes to report problems
- Movie theater visits can result in injury
- National Safety Month: Risk by Age Group
- Neglect is a common form of elder abuse
- Negligence alleged in fatal boating accident, SailTime sued
- Negligence has different degrees
- Negligent maintenance alleged after elevator fall
- New Illinois Law to Protect Uber Passengers
- Nursing home abuse alleged after pair took, sent nude photos
- Nursing home abuse and neglect aren't always visible
- Nursing Home Abuse from Surprising Source
- Nursing home abuse: Call 911 if your loved one is in danger
- Nursing home abuse? Report it immediately
- Nursing home deaths, injuries linked to medicine errors
- Nursing home entertainment 'perverse pleasure' for the staff
- Nursing home falls leave residents with facial traumas
- Nursing home neglect and abuse concerns
- Nursing home neglect leads to death
- Nursing home neglect precedes Illinois woman's bedsores, death
- Nursing home resident subjected to financial abuse
- Nursing Home Residents And Dangerous Falls
- Nursing home residents face financial abuse
- Nursing home residents' legal rights
- Nursing homes must protect residents from Summer heat
- Nursing homes need methods to prevent medication errors
- Nursing homes need to protect residents from hip fractures
- Nursing homes should be cautious as ice and snow gather
- Officer hurt due to violation of Scott's Law
- Officer killed on Interstate 94 due to wrong-way driver
- Ohio nursing homes could be subject to camera law
- One man dies when two semis crash in Illinois
- Our Blog at the Law Offices of Mark L. Karno & Associates
- Pain killers involved in most nursing home medication errors
- Paralysis should be addressed immediately
- Pay attention to your nursing home's staff ratio
- Pedestrians hit by vehicles: Common causes of serious injuries
- Plaintiffs have a duty to mitigate
- Playground injury statistics
- Poor dental hygiene in nursing homes may be sign of greater ills
- Postal worker hit and killed at car wash
- Pregnancy Complications after Auto Accident
- Pregnant woman and baby killed in accident
- Premises liability in Illinois
- Premises liability lawsuit filed against construction company
- Premises liability: Faulty stairs
- Preventing falls is a real concern for nursing home residents
- Property owners need to prove safe staircases to visitors
- Protect your loved one in a nursing home: Know your rights
- Protecting children from serious injuries while playing sports
- Put safety first when taking children to amusement parks
- Puzzling find in Illinois man's stomach leads to lawsuit
- Questions about the psychology behind dog bites
- Questions to ask when trying to spot nursing home abuse
- Realtors grapple with concealed carry laws, safety and consent
- Reasons children may fight over your estate
- Reckless drivers and accidents
- Recognize nursing home abuse to help protect patients
- Recognize the risk of abuse at your parents' nursing home
- Recovering spinal cord medical costs after an accident
- Reducing the risks of black ice during the winter driving season
- Reporting nursing home violations in Illinois: residents' rights during annual inspections
- Rise in in-home care for elderly and disabled
- Road safety: 5 driving mistakes that can lead to an accident
- Safety Tips for Nighttime Driving
- Selfies While Driving: A Dangerous Trend
- Sepsis can kill nursing home residents if left untreated
- Sexual abuse has no place in nursing homes
- Shoppers injured when motorist crashes into supermarket
- Should you anchor your furniture?
- Signs of emotional abuse in nursing homes
- Signs of Nursing Home Abuse
- Signs of nursing home abuse: malnutrition and dehydration
- Signs of overwhelmed caregivers at your parents’ nursing home
- Slip and fall liability in Illinois
- Slip-and-fall accidents in nursing homes can cause serious injury
- Speeding police SUV allegedly runs stop sign, kills 66-year-old
- Stairs can be a source of injuries
- Staying safe on the road in winter and summer
- Study reveals interesting distracted driving habits in teens
- Sudden changes could indicate that abuse is taking place
- Suffering injuries after a serious Illinois car accident
- Summer is a dangerous time for driving
- Sun glare accidents may be more common than reported
- Surveillance can protect nursing home residents
- Take a firm stance against all instances of nursing home abuse
- Take extra care when driving around walking students
- Taking action after a fall in your building
- Teen at track meet killed during hammer throw
- Teens are most often distracted behind the wheel
- The 5 best and worst nursing homes in Chicago
- The 5 main ways elder abuse happens in nursing homes
- The complexity of truck accident claims
- The cost of care for people with spinal cord injuries
- The Deadly Effects of Daylight Savings Time
- The Human Factor: The Deadly Cause of Car Accidents
- The liability of a landlord for a tenant's injury
- The most common claims made against nursing homes
- The most common types of nursing home abuse
- The most serious outcomes of car accidents
- The potential hazards of buildings not constructed to code
- The prevalence of malnutrition in nursing homes
- The real dangers of beautiful winter weather
- The Role of Dog Breed in Dog Bite Risk
- The wandering crisis: A serious issue for Alzheimer’s patients
- Three ways to help your grandparents in a nursing facility
- Tips for Caring for Your Loved One After a Motorcycle Accident
- Tips for Safe Winter Driving
- Tips for Safer Winter Weather Driving
- Tips that can help you live through a car accident
- Tired drivers are a threat to others on the roads
- Took a tumble at a store? Consider a slip-and-fall lawsuit.
- Tourist traffic can lead to dangerous traffic jams
- Traffic deaths are on a rapid increase
- Tragic crash shows deadly danger of DUIs
- Treatments for your loved one's paralysis after an accident
- Tripped on a mat? You could have a claim
- Trucker exhaustion or distraction can lead to injury or death
- Trust your gut: Nursing home abuse is real
- Understaffing at nursing homes can negatively impact residents
- Understanding loss of consortium claims
- Undue influence: You can challenge a will
- Unsecured water meter cover in Illinois leads to trip-and-fall
- VIDEO: Can I Recover as a Pedestrian in an Accident with an Uninsured Motorist?
- VIDEO: Can I Recover Lost Wages After Missing Work from a Construction Accident?
- VIDEO: Can I Sue If I Was in a Bicycle Accident?
- VIDEO: Do I Have to See My Employer's Preferred Doctor?
- VIDEO: How Much Does It Cost to Hire an Attorney?
- VIDEO: How Much Time Do I Have to File a Motorcycle Accident Lawsuit?
- VIDEO: Justice for a Family Harmed by Nursing Home Abuse
- VIDEO: What Damages Is a Spouse Entitled To?
- VIDEO: What Disability Benefits Do I Get If I'm Injured at Work?
- VIDEO: What If My Employer Wasn't the Only One At Fault in My Construction Accident?
- VIDEO: What Is Medical Malpractice?
- VIDEO: What Is the Difference in Compensatory and Punitive Damages?
- VIDEO: What Should I Do If I Find Evidence of Nursing Home Abuse?
- VIDEO: What Should I Do If Involved in a Trucking Accident?
- VIDEO: What to Do After a Pedestrian Accident?
- VIDEO: Why Choose Mark L. Karno & Associates for Your Car Accident Case?
- VIDEO: Why Should I Choose You for My Dog Bite Injury Case?
- Violations found in Champaign County nursing home
- Vulnerability makes Illinois's ill, elderly sexual abuse targets
- Was an injury due to bad lighting the fault of the premises?
- Was black ice a factor in your car wreck?
- Watch out for drunk drivers during your holiday travels
- Watch out for winter hazards when you're driving near semis
- What are characteristics of the Illinois premises liability act?
- What are key considerations for home pool safety?
- What are signs of nursing home abuse or neglect?
- What are some signs of financial elder abuse?
- What are the most common causes of commercial truck accidents?
- What are the most common hazards that lead to premises liability claims in Illinois?
- What are the most common injuries stemming from car accidents?
- What are the signs of nursing home neglect in Illinois?
- What are the six degrees of burn injuries?
- What are the top fatal injury causes by age?
- What can be done about overmedication?
- What can you do to avoid a traffic crash?
- What can you do to prevent a loved one from wandering?
- What constitutes a slip and fall accident?
- What Do I Do If I Was Injured by a Defective Product?
- What does financial abuse look like in a nursing home setting?
- What is a crumple zone?
- What is cerebral palsy?
- What is the "open and obvious" defense in premises liability?
- What safety steps should you take immediately after a crash?
- What should I know about bed sores in nursing homes?
- What should peoplke know about premises liability insurance?
- What should you do to minimize the impact of a crash?
- What to Do After a Car Accident
- What to do if you're hit by a distracted driver in Illinois
- What to know about dehydration and malnutrition in seniors
- What to look for when choosing a nursing home
- What type of driving behaviors cause spinal cord injuries?
- What types of treatment count as nursing home abuse?
- What you need to know about catastrophic injuries
- What you should know about premises liability claims
- When Do I Have a Premises Liability Claim?
- When drowsy truck drivers cause a crash
- When nursing home residents go missing
- Who Can File a Wrongful Death Case?
- Who is liable after a fall on a staircase?
- Who is Liable After a Truck Accident?
- Who is responsible for snow removal on sidewalks?
- Who's liable for a parking lot crash?
- Why business owners have a legal duty to remove ice and snow from the premises
- Why car accidents occur
- Why should you report nursing home abuse or neglect?
- Will a Child Develop Fears After a Dog Bite?
- Winter Slip and Fall Safety Tips
- Woman claims employee negligence led to her fall
- Woman claims negligence caused injury at Chicago concert
- Woman crosses into traffic, causes deputy's death
- Woman files lawsuit against Illinois arcade
- Woman sues dialysis center after injury
- Wrongful death awards for the elderly, children may be small
- You can suffer these injuries in a Chicago car accident
- You may have a claim if you fall outside a business
- Your loved one's rights in a nursing home
- Your rights to good working conditions as an IL truck driver